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Three Simple Self-Defense Tips:

Tip #1 - Use Your Head

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First, stay calm and think as the situation develops. If you are calm, if you do not panic, your mind will process thoughts so rapidly that it will seem like you have hours to make a decision about how to react.
Second, the human skull is an awesomely powerful weapon. Bashing your forehead into the goon's nose once is tremendously more effective than slamming your fist into his nose twice.

Tip #2 - Always Have a Tool Handy

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Always, always, always have something easily and quickly accessible to use as a weapon. Note that I did not say, "have a weapon accessible" which is not always practical or advisable. If someone surprises you, there should be something instantly accessible to aid in your defense. CBG Safety sells a number of simple self-defense objects.

Anything you find that is hard and fast should be aimed at smashing against something made of bone, 
and anything with a point to it should be aimed at stabbing into soft tissue.

Tip #3 - Move Along a Triangle

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There is one tip about self-defense that is so important that entire martial arts systems are based upon it. 

Don't get hit!

Moving along a triangle goes a long way toward achieving the goal of not getting hit. One of the most dangerous mistakes the average person makes during a fight is to move in straight lines. They will move in a straight line, either forward and backward, or side to side. 

The aggressor is probably going to attack some point along or around that line: your face, your throat, your heart, your groin. Moving in a straight line backward or forward will change the distance you are from your attacker, but it does not move your centerline out of the attack path. Moving laterally (left or right) will change the location of your centerline, but it does not change the distance between you and your attacker.

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Talon™ MINI 80,000 volts (The Z-force below replaces this discontinued model)
Runt Stun Guns
Stun Master™ 100,000-300,000v
Stun Master™ 625,000 volts
Stun Master™ 775,000 volts
new rechargeable Stun GunStun Master™ Rechargeable 4.5 million volts
Stun Batons 300,000-500,000v
Z-Force™ 100,000-300,000 volts
Stun/Alarm Flashlights
Stun Master Cell Phone Stun Gun

Lipstick Pepper Spray
Pepper Shot™ 1/2 oz.
Pepper Shot™ 2 & 4 oz.
Pepper Shot™ Tri-Pack
Wildfire™ 15% Spray
Pepper Pens
Pepper Spray Booklet


Mace™ Pepper Gel
Mace™ Pepper Spray
Mace™ Pepper Foam
Michigan Approved Sprays
Mace™ Triple Action Spray
Mace™ Hot Walkers
Mace Leatherette Key Chain
Mace Hard Case Key Chain
Mace Pepper Batons

Mace™Personal alarm & flashlight
Mace™ Personal Screecher alarm
130db alarm w/ door alarm
125db alarm and flashlight
130db alarm with light
Electronic Pocket Whistle



M-18 Advanced Taser (The C2 replaces this discontinued model)
new C2 Taser
C2 Advanced Taser


Pepper Spray book

Learn how to properly use defensive sprays such as mace and pepper spray. This 32-page booklet reveals the secrets of choosing a defense spray, how to carry it, how to shoot it, and what to do about multiple assailants

Written by nationally recognized self defense expert Doug Lamb.

Buy now for only $6.70

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